Computer  |  Laptop  |  Mobile  |  Tablet Setup

SACKO has been assisting home users with their computer and laptop setup for many years.

With today’s environment we are seeing more and more people working and studying from home.  The importance of all your devices working simultaneously within your home, whether it be computers, laptops, tablets, TV's or phones, can be trying at the best of times.

  • Do you find yourself competing for bandwidth with the rest of the usual devices at home?
  • Is your current internet connection loaded beyond its current capacity?
  • Are your devices not syncing correctly?

SACKO understands the need to get it right the first time and to be up and running comfortably with no downtime.

Let SACKO come to site and set up all your devices to work seamlessly from whatever your location may be. We can set up your work or study space to run efficiently.

We focus on:

  • Internet connectivity and bandwidth to accommodate the additional load
  • Choosing/having the right devices to suit your requirements
  • Updating of your software to make sure you run more efficiently
  • Syncing of all devices
  • Ongoing maintenance on an as needed basis

Our experienced SACKO technical team can attend site to ensure that you’re up and running with no fuss.

Contact us today. PH: 1300 072 256.

Working From Home-Home Office
Macbook, ipad and iphone
empty office