SACKO offers an extensive range of customised NBN Plans. At SACKO we understand that not one plan will suit everyone. If you're unsure of which connection is for you, contact us today. Our team will work through your queries and concerns. We can customise an NBN plan to suit your specific needs.  Not only will you have a plan that works for you, but a dedicated SACKO representative to assist with any queries or maintenance you may require. Our highly skilled team are ready to take your call.  PH: 1300 072 256.

Picking the right plan can be difficult. Below are some of the options that our technicians are able to customise to suit your environment.

FTTB - Fibre to the Building

FTTB stands for Fibre to the Building (or Fibre to the Basement) and is used to connect apartment blocks and other large buildings, known as a Multi-Dwelling Unit (MDU), to the NBN.  The network is connected to existing copper wiring within the building to provide Internet to each apartment.

FTTB - Fibre to the Building

FTTP - Fibre to the Premises

Fibre to the Premises (FTTP) connection is used in circumstances where a fibre optic line will be run from the nearest available fibre node, directly to your premises.

FTTP connections require an NBN access network device to be installed inside your home. This device requires power to operate and can only be installed by an approved NBN installer or phone and internet provider.

FTTP installation requests may require in-home cabling and include multiple devices to be installed inside and outside of your premises. The NBN equipment to be installed may include an NBN utility box (outside), an NBN connection box (inside or outside), and a Power Supply unit (inside).

FTTP - Fibre to the Premises

FTTC - Fibre to the Curb

Fibre to the Curb (FTTC) connection is used in circumstances where fibre is extended close to your premises, connecting to a small Distribution Point Unit (DPU), generally located inside a pit on the street. From here, the existing copper network is connected to the fibre to form the final NBN connection. To power your NBN FTTC service with electricity and provide your connection to the NBN network, an NBN connection box will be required inside your home or business.

FTTC - Fibre to the Curb

FTTN - Fibre to the Node

Fibre to the Node (FTTN) connection is utilised where the existing copper phone and internet network from a nearby fibre node is used to make the final part of the connection to the NBN access network.

The fibre node is likely to take the form of a street cabinet. Each street cabinet will allow the NBN access network signal to travel over a fibre optic line from the exchange, to the cabinet, and connect with the existing copper network to reach your premises.

FTTN - Fibre to the Node

HFC - Hybrid Fibre Coaxial

NBN Hybrid Fibre Coaxial (HFC) connection is used in circumstances where the existing ‘pay TV’ or cable network can be used to make the final part of the NBN network connection. In this circumstance an HFC line will be run from the nearest available fibre node, to your premises.

HFC connections require an NBN network device to be installed at the point where the line enters your home. This device requires power to operate.

HFC - Hybrid Fibre Coaxial

Alternative Internet Connections & Plans

If any of the above plans do not meet your requirements please ask us about our popular Fixed Wireless NBN and Satellite Plans.

For more information on these types of connections please visit our dedicated page on this offering -  Fixed Wireless NBN.